“Special Words” Series

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Adoption e-book
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Adoption 領養

Some children are adopted because their birth parents are unable to care for them. Adoptive parents, who wish to adopt them, should want to become parents – not simply because they want to help a child. Once an adoptive family is approved to bring the child home, full commitment of raising the child is expected. Adoption is a lifelong and forever commitment of raising the child. The parents are taking on responsibilities for themselves and their child. It is a family matter and a family commitment.

Let us teach our children about commitment and responsibility. We should never give up easily when things are hard. We should do what we say we would do. However, when we cannot handle the problems ourselves, taking the initiative and being willing to seek familial support and professional help would be wise and necessary.

Birth e-book
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Birth 誕生

We were never asked if we could be born, however, the miracle of birth is Godly. We all have a birthmother and a birthfather. For some of us who are adopted, we have an adoptive mother and an adoptive father too. Some for us also have a godmother and godfather. No matter how many sets of “parents” we have, we want to belong to a family. Belonging to a family is the beginning and the foundation/anchorage of one’s life. We want to be loved and supported by our family. A family gives meaning to why we live. A family brings responsibility to why we live.

Let us teach our children about family and life. Share with our children how precious life is and how we should live it happily and healthily through helping, loving and caring for one another.

Blood Relation e-book
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Blood Relations 血緣關係

We all have blood, and blood is important for our survival. “Blood relations” is not an easy concept. We are not loved based on our blood type or our bloodline. However, it is something that our children should know about. As blood relations touch upon our DNA, understanding blood relations help us to understand who we are and where we come from – our identity, roots and history.

Let us teach our children about good health and balance. We want to thank our birthparents for giving us life, our genes and DNA. And from now on, we need to take good care of ourselves by eating a balanced diet, exercising, sleeping and doing things we like sufficiently and regularly in order to lead and live a healthy and balanced life.

Death e-book
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Death 死亡

Some people are more compassionate than others. Some are kinder than others. However, knowing how to be compassionate and kind are two important traits in life.

Let us teach our children about compassion and kindness. Validate their feelings of anger, sadness, grievances and losses when a loved one passes away. Allow them to reflect how they would feel if the one who passes away is someone they love and care about.

Fostering e-book
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Fostering 寄養

Some children are fostered because their birth parents are unable to care for them. Foster parents come forward because they want to help a child for a temporary period of time when the child needs it. Once the birth family is able to look after the child again or the child is approved to be adopted by an adoptive family, the child leaves the foster home. So in most cases, foster parents are caring and selfless people who love children and want to help them through a crisis.

Let us teach our children about care and selflessness. We want to be caring and selfless whenever possible because these are special virtues that would help to make ourselves and others feel love.

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Thank You 謝謝

We can hardly go wrong when we are polite and sincere. Some people are very polite and make others comfortable. But there can also be people who just don’t know what politeness means and make people unhappy. Some people are able to show their sincerity while others do not really care. However, knowing how to be polite and sincere are two important traits in life.

Let us teach our children about politeness and sincerity. Show them what it means to be polite and sincere by being a role model. Allow them to think about how they would feel if someone speaks to them politely and sincerely versus someone who speaks impolitely and insincerely.

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